Having children can add so much enrichment to your relationship, but also comes with significant changes—especially regarding your sex life. 

Many couples find that their intimacy takes a backseat after welcoming a child into their lives. 

It’s completely normal. 

The adjustments to parenting, combined with physical and emotional shifts, can leave you feeling distant from your partner and unsure about how to reconnect. 

So if you’re wondering about sex after kids and how to navigate this transition, believe us, you’re not alone.

In this blog, we’ll explore the complexities of intimacy post-baby, offering insights, tips, and understanding for those looking to reignite the spark in their relationship.

Let’s begin!

The Shift in Dynamics

When a baby arrives, the dynamics of a relationship often change. 

Again, this is normal. It happens to everyone. 

New parents frequently find themselves preoccupied with the demands of childcare, sleep deprivation, and the overwhelming responsibilities that accompany parenthood. 

It’s easy to see how this can impact your sex life.

  1. Physical Changes: After childbirth, many women experience changes in their bodies that can affect their confidence and desire for sex. Hormonal shifts, physical discomfort, and the reality of postpartum recovery can contribute to a lower libido. It’s important to remember that these changes are natural and part of the journey.
  2. Emotional Adjustments: New parents often deal with a rollercoaster of emotions. From joy and excitement to anxiety and stress, these feelings can influence how you connect with your partner. Intimacy may take a backseat as you navigate your new roles.
  3. Time Constraints: Between diaper changes, feedings, and sleepless nights, finding time for intimacy can feel like an impossible task. The simple act of being together without interruptions may seem like a distant memory.

Finding Your Way Back to Intimacy

Despite these challenges, it is MORE than possible to reconnect with your partner and cultivate sex after kids.

Here are some strategies to help you enjoy sex after kids:

1. Communicate Openly

The foundation of intimacy is communication. 

Discussing your feelings, desires, and concerns with your partner can help both of you understand each other’s perspectives. 

Create a safe space for sharing thoughts about your sex life and any challenges you may be facing. 

This understanding can help alleviate feelings of isolation and build a stronger bond.

2. Prioritize Quality Time

While it may seem challenging, finding moments to connect with your partner can rejuvenate your intimacy. 

Schedule regular date nights, even if it’s a cozy evening at home after the kids go to bed. Reclaiming this time for each other can remind you both of the emotional and physical connection you share.

3. Rediscover Intimacy in Different Forms

Intimacy doesn’t solely revolve around sex (even though that’s a big part of it). 

Explore other ways to be close to your partner—such as cuddling, kissing, or holding hands. These small gestures can help rebuild intimacy and create a sense of closeness that may have been lost.

It’s almost like foreplay. 

Foreplay doesn’t start in the bedroom. It starts with the hand holding, the kissing, the sexual innuendos throughout the day.

It’s all one giant build up.

So be sure to incorporate ALL kinds of foreplay into your relationship.

4. Explore New Routines

After having kids, your bodies and schedules have changed. 

Experiment with different times of day for intimacy, as well as new positions or activities. Variety can be refreshing, and exploring together can reignite excitement in your sex life.

5. Take It Slow

Reconnecting after a period of distance can feel overwhelming. 

So take it slow.

Start with gentle touches and kisses, gradually building up to more intimate encounters as you both feel comfortable. 

Listen to each other’s cues and take your time to ensure that both partners feel at ease.

6. Seek Professional Help If Needed

Sometimes, couples may benefit from the guidance of a professional. 

A therapist who specializes in relationships and intimacy can offer support and strategies tailored to your unique situation. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you feel stuck.

Embracing the Changes

It’s essential to embrace the changes that come with parenthood. 

Accepting that your sex life may look different than it did before can help reduce pressure and expectations. 

Every couple navigates this transition in their own way, so focus on what works best for you and your partner.

Remember, sex after kids is a journey, and it’s perfectly normal to face ups and downs along the way. 

Be patient with yourselves, and know that it’s okay to take time to reconnect.


How much sex is normal after kids?

To be blunt, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as every couple’s needs and preferences vary. 

Research suggests that couples may have less sex after having children, but what’s most important is that both partners feel satisfied with their intimate lives. 

Open communication can help you understand what is normal for your relationship.

How to enjoy sex again after having a baby?

Enjoying sex again after having a baby involves communication, patience, and a willingness to explore new ways of connecting. 

Start slowly, prioritize quality time together, and focus on building intimacy beyond just sex. Rediscovering intimacy may require time and effort, but it can be a rewarding experience for both partners.

What does lack of sex do to a relationship?

A lack of sex can create feelings of distance and dissatisfaction in a relationship. 

It may lead to frustration, resentment, or even feelings of rejection. Open communication is crucial in addressing any concerns, as intimacy is an important part of emotional connection in a partnership. 

Prioritizing intimacy can strengthen your bond and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

Navigating sex after kids can be challenging, but with understanding, patience, and communication, it’s possible to rediscover intimacy and deepen your connection with your partner. 

Embrace this new chapter, knowing that you’re not alone on this journey.

It happens to everyone – and you CAN overcome it.