The journey to parenthood can be thrilling, yet it often comes with its share of confusion. Between all the advice from friends, family, and the internet, it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s just a fertility myth. 

Fear not, future parents.

We’re here to bust some common myths and set the record straight. So, grab a cup of tea (or celebratory beverage of choice) and let’s dive in!

Fertility Myth #1: Is there a magic age for getting pregnant?

This one gets thrown around a lot, and it can cause unnecessary stress. While fertility does tend to decline with age, especially for women over 35, it doesn’t mean getting pregnant in your late 30s or even early 40s is impossible. 

Plenty of healthy couples conceive naturally well past that magic age. 

The most important thing is to talk to your doctor if you’ve been trying for a year (or six months if you’re over 35) and haven’t conceived.

Fertility Myth #2: Can stress make you infertile?

Life can be stressful, and that’s totally normal. While chronic stress isn’t great for anyone, it doesn’t directly cause infertility. 

That being said, stress can affect your overall health and make it harder to relax, which might not be the best environment for conception. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, focus on healthy stress-management techniques like meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.

Fertility Myth #3: Does a man’s tight underwear hurt sperm health?

This one is a myth born out of comfort, not science! 

While tight-fitting jeans might not be the most comfortable things in the world, they won’t harm your sperm production. The testicles actually hang outside the body for a reason – to keep them cooler than your core body temperature. 

Loose-fitting underwear allows for good air circulation, but there’s no need to live in boxers 24/7.

Fertility Myth #4: Does lube decrease your chances of getting pregnant?

Many couples worry that lubricant can act as a barrier to sperm. While some lubricants can be slightly spermicidal (sperm-killing), most common lubricants sold these days are sperm-friendly. 

If you’re concerned, look for a lube specifically labeled as “sperm-friendly” or “conception-friendly.”

Fertility Myth #5: Do I have to have sex every day to get pregnant?

While having sex regularly increases your chances of conception, there’s no need to go overboard. Aiming for sex every other day or every few days around your ovulation window is perfectly sufficient. 

Focusing on quality over quantity can be more enjoyable and less stressful.

Fertility Myth #6: Do certain foods boost fertility?

There’s no magic fertility diet, but a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can benefit your overall health and potentially improve your chances of conceiving. 

Think of it as fueling your body for baby-making success!

Fertility Myth #7: If I can get pregnant easily once, can I always get pregnant easily?

Fertility can change over time, influenced by factors like age, overall health, and even stress. Just because you conceived quickly once doesn’t guarantee the same experience for future pregnancies.

Fertility Myth #8: Does using birth control for a long time damages fertility?

Most birth control methods are reversible, and stopping them shouldn’t affect your ability to get pregnant in the future. 

Your body might take a few months to regulate its cycle again, but fertility typically returns to normal after stopping birth control pills, the patch, or the ring.

Fertility Myth #9: Does being overweight or underweight make me infertile?

Weight can definitely impact fertility for both men and women. Being overweight or underweight can affect hormone regulation and ovulation, making conception more challenging. 

However, it’s not always the sole factor, and talking to your doctor can help determine if weight management is necessary.

Fertility Myth #10: Can my cell phone lower my sperm count?

This is a hot topic with ongoing research. While some studies suggest a possible link between cellphone radiation and sperm health, the results haven’t been conclusive. 

It’s always a good idea to limit cell phone use in general, but there’s no need to ditch your phone entirely based on this particular myth.


This is just the beginning of your fertility knowledge adventure! There are many more myths and misconceptions floating around the internet, but you’re now equipped with a handy toolbox to sort fact from fiction.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your doctor is your partner in creating your family. 

They can address your specific concerns, debunk any lingering myths you might have, and provide tailored advice based on your health and situation.

The road to parenthood can have its twists and turns, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. There are tons of resources available online and in your community, from fertility clinics and support groups to forums and blogs. 

Surround yourself with positive information and connect with others on a similar journey.

Empowered by knowledge and armed with a positive attitude, you’re well on your way to parenthood! This might not be a linear path, but with a little perseverance and a lot of support, you’ll get there. 

So, debunk those myths, embrace the journey, and get ready to welcome that bundle of joy into your life.