Gabbie Adams, LCSW, PMH-C


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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, certified perinatal therapist, and mother. I am passionate about working with women as they navigate life transitions surrounding pregnancy and motherhood. While these seasons of life are so incredibly special, they can also be some of the most challenging times. I recognize that this process often brings feelings of insecurity, grief, lack of identity, and reduced self-esteem. As a mother of twins and someone that has experienced pregnancy loss, I can relate to the complex challenges that arise when experiencing a high-risk pregnancy, navigating the NICU, postpartum anxiety therapist, and adjusting to parenthood.

Much of my background has been in healthcare, where I’ve focused specifically on crisis intervention and perinatal mental health. I’ve worked with parents who have a variety of stressors including domestic violence, substance use, unplanned pregnancy, premature delivery, birth trauma, and infant loss/termination. These experiences have also contributed to my love for helping clients navigate intimacy and relationship challenges that emerge during these seasons of life.

Throughout my career, I have completed training in perinatal mood disorders, trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and sexual abuse. I believe in taking a holistic approach to therapy and using a combination of therapy techniques individualized to each person. I am an open-minded and inclusive person who would love to meet you wherever you are in this crazy journey of parenthood. If you are looking for a postpartum depression, birth trauma, premature delivery, or postpartum anxiety therapist, we may be the right fit. Contact us to get started, today!



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*This is a virtual practice.
All sessions are held through video. You must be residing in Illinois.