Building a family can look different for everyone, and the exciting world of assisted reproductive technology (ART) has opened doors for LGBTQ+ couples to create their dream families. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a popular option for gay couples looking to have a biological child. But with all the medical jargon and logistics, it can feel overwhelming. 

This guide will walk you through the process of IVF for gay couples, answer some common questions, and point you towards resources for a smooth and supported journey. In this blog, when we mention “gay couples,” we’re referring to all queer partnerships that need IVF or surrogacy to have children.

How much does IVF cost for gay couples?

Let’s be honest, we all know IVF comes with a hefty price tag. 

The final cost can depend on a bunch of things, like your zip code, the clinic you choose (think fancy hotel vs cozy B&B), and any medications you might need. 

For gay couples, there are also extra expenses like egg donation and surrogacy to factor in.

Trying to give you one number would be like trying to guess how many sprinkles are on a birthday cake – impossible! 

But to give you a general idea, the total cost of IVF for gay couples can range anywhere from $30,000 to a whopping $150,000 or more. 

Yikes, that’s a big range! 

It is, but don’t worry, we’ll get to the good news in a sec. First things first, let’s be honest: building a family is an investment, and IVF can absolutely be worth it to hold that squishball of a baby in your arms.

Does insurance cover IVF for gay couples?

Okay, insurance coverage for IVF for gay couples can be a bit of a jungle gym – lots of twists and turns, and it can feel confusing. 

Here’s the deal: some awesome employers offer health insurance plans that cover some or even all of the costs of IVF for both heterosexual and LGBTQ+ couples. It’s like a superhero swooping in to save the day (or rather, save your wallet)!

But here’s the catch: every insurance plan is different. It’s kind of like having a unique fingerprint – there’s no one-size-fits-all situation. The key is to become a super-sleuth and crack the code of your specific plan. 

Dig out those insurance documents (or download the app, because who even uses paper anymore?) and see what the nitty-gritty is on IVF coverage. Trust me, a little detective work now can save you a big headache (and financial stress) later.

But even if your insurance doesn’t cover everything, there’s still hope! Some fertility clinics offer financing options, like spreading out the payments over time. 

Think of it like a payment plan for your future family – way cooler than that new couch you’ve been eyeing. Clinics might also have patient assistance programs that can help with the costs. 

Don’t be shy – ask them about these options.

The worst they can say is no, and the best they can say is “Here’s how we can help you make your baby dreams a reality!”

Can two men mix sperm to improve the chances of conception?

We all want to give our little one the best shot, right? Unfortunately, the science of IVF doesn’t quite work like a superhero team-up. 

Here’s the deal: 

IVF is like a tiny matchmaker for eggs and sperm. The process typically involves fertilizing an egg with sperm from one donor, then creating a super-cool embryo. That embryo then gets transferred to a gestational carrier, the amazing woman who will carry your baby to arrival. 

So, while you both get to be awesome dads, mixing sperm in the IVF lab isn’t currently an option. 

But hey, there are still plenty of ways to create your perfect family with IVF.

Does Tricare cover IVF for gay couples?

As of right now, Tricare doesn’t cover IVF for gay couples. It’s kind of a bummer, we know. 

But hey, things are changing all the time, and there’s still hope.

Here’s the good news: some states are stepping up and making insurance companies cover infertility treatments, including IVF, for everyone, regardless of who you love.

This means it’s super important to check the details of your specific Tricare plan and see what the laws are like in your state. 

Think of it like a treasure hunt – there might be some hidden coverage gems waiting to be discovered! The best way to find out is to contact your Tricare representative and do some research online about your state’s laws on insurance and infertility treatments. 

You never know, you might be surprised.


Building a family through IVF is an incredible journey for gay couples. While there are financial considerations and logistical hurdles, the end goal – a happy, healthy baby – makes it all worthwhile. 

You don’t have to go through this alone. There are LGBTQ+ fertility clinics and support groups that can guide you every step of the way. So, take a deep breath, explore your options, and get ready to embark on this exciting adventure in parenthood!